The device, service, Foltsvagen Golf's repair 2 / Jett 2 (1983-1992) - Camshaft drive//Volkswagen Golf ll, Jetta II /

Volkswagen Golf ll, Jetta II

1983-1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2
+ 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines
- 2. Engine
   2.1. Removal and engine installation
   - 2.2. Dismantling and engine assembly
      - 2.2.1. Engines in volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders Dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders Survey, check and repair of a head of the block of cylinders Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders Adjustment of gaps between cams of a cam-shaft and levers of valves Technical condition of hydropushers of valves Camshaft drive Flywheel Epiploons of a cranked shaft Oil case Oil pump Shatunno-porshnevaya group Cranked shaft Check of the block of cylinders
      + 2.2.2. Engines in volume of 1,6 and 1,8 l
      + 2.2.3. Diesel engine
   + 2.3. System of greasing of the engine
   + 2.4. System of cooling of the engine
   + 2.5. System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ 3. Power supply system
+ 4. Coupling
+ 5. Transmission
+ 6. Transmission
+ 7. Forward drive
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

ýâòàíàçèÿ ñêîëüêî ñòîèò ñîáàêè Camshaft drive


1. To weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of an adjusting level and the generator to an arm and to an adjusting level. To turn the generator to the engine block, to weaken a tension of a belt of the generator, and to remove a belt.
2. To unscrew four bolts of fastening of a pulley of the crankshaft and to remove a pulley 2 (see fig. Camshaft drive).
3. To remove top 8 and the bottom 3 covers of a drive of a cam-shaft.
4. To establish the piston of the 1st cylinder in VMT. A label on a cogwheel of the 5th cam-shaft (see fig. Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft) should be combined with a label In on a head of the block of cylinders.
5. To weaken an inhaling of bolts of 1 fastening of the water pump. To turn the water pump to the engine block, to weaken a tension of a belt 3 drives of a cam-shaft.
6. To remove a belt 3 from cogwheels of the water pump, distributive and cranked shaft. Thus cranked and distributive shaft should not turn.
7. To unscrew a bolt 17 (see fig. A camshaft and valves) to remove a cogwheel 14 and to take out a shponka 13.
8. To unscrew a bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft, to remove a cogwheel and to take out a shponka.


1. To insert a shponka into a groove of a cranked shaft, to establish a cogwheel, to wrap a bolt of fastening of a cogwheel with a washer and to tighten the moment of 80 N · m (8,0 kgfs · м). A label of B (see fig. Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft) should coincide with a label In on a block head.
2. To insert a shponka 13 (see fig. A camshaft and valves) in a cam-shaft groove to establish a cogwheel 14 to wrap a bolt 17 with a washer 18 and to tighten the moment of 80 N · m (8,0 kgfs · м).
3. Temporarily to establish a pulley of a cranked shaft on a cogwheel. A label And (see fig. Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft) on a pulley should coincide with a label on a plate 9. To remove a pulley.
4. To put on a belt 16 (see fig. A camshaft and valves) on cogwheels of the crankshaft, a cam-shaft and the water pump.
5. To pull a belt 16 and, having turned the water pump, to tighten bolts of fastening of the water pump. To check a belt tension. A belt will pull correctly if it can be developed on 90 °, having undertaken it two fingers in the middle between distributive and cranked shaft, as is shown in fig. Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft.
6. To check, whether VMT labels moved.
7. To tighten bolts of fastening of the water pump the moment of 10 N · m (1,0 kgfs · м).
8. To establish the top and bottom covers of a drive of a cam-shaft.
9. To establish a crankshaft pulley.
10. To put on a belt of a drive of the generator crankshaft and generator pulleys. To pull a belt, having turned the generator from the block of cylinders. To tighten bolts of fastening of the generator and an adjusting level.