Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2 + 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines - 2. Engine 2.1. Removal and engine installation - 2.2. Dismantling and engine assembly + 2.2.1. Engines in volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l - 2.2.2. Engines in volume of 1,6 and 1,8 l Camshaft drive Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders Dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders Adjustment of gaps between cams of a cam-shaft and levers of valves Intermediate shaft Flywheel Epiploons of a cranked shaft Oil pump Shatunno-porshnevaya group Cranked shaft Check of the block of cylinders + 2.2.3. Diesel engine + 2.3. System of greasing of the engine + 2.4. System of cooling of the engine + 2.5. System of production of the fulfilled gases + 3. Power supply system + 4. Coupling + 5. Transmission + 6. Transmission + 7. Forward drive + 8. Steering + 9. Suspension brackets + 10. Brake system + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
Details of a drive of a camshaft
1–pulley of the water pump; 2–bolt of fastening of a pulley of the water pump; 3–bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft; 4–pulley of a cranked shaft; 5–belt of a drive of the generator; 6–caps; 7–cover of a drive of a cam-shaft the bottom; 8–cover of a drive of a cam-shaft the top; 9–belt of a drive of a cam-shaft; 10-cover of a drive of a cam-shaft the back; |
11-cogwheel of an intermediate shaft; 12-bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of an intermediate shaft; 13-cogwheel of a cranked shaft; 14-bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft; 15-natyazhitel of a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft; 16-nut of fastening of a natyazhitel |
The provision of a label on a camshaft cogwheel at position of the piston of the first cylinder in VMT
1–head of the block of cylinders;
2–camshaft cogwheel;
3–cover of a head of the block;
And – VMT label on a cogwheel |
1. To weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of an adjusting level of the generator to a block and generator head – to an arm and to an adjusting level. To turn the generator to the block, to weaken a belt 5 tension (see fig. Details of a drive of a camshaft) the generator and to remove a belt. |
2. To unscrew four bolts 2 and to remove a pulley of 1 water pump. |
3. To remove the top cover of the 8th drive of a cam-shaft. |
4. To disconnect a hose of ventilation of a case from a cover of a head of the block. |
5. To uncover block heads together with laying of a cover and clamping plates. |
6. To unscrew four bolts 3 and to remove a pulley 4 crankshafts. |
7. To remove the bottom cover of the 7th drive of a cam-shaft. |
8. To weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of cogwheels of a cam-shaft, the crankshaft and an intermediate shaft. |
9. To establish the piston of the first cylinder in VMT of a step of compression. For this purpose temporarily to establish a crankshaft pulley into place, having fastened it one bolt. To turn a cranked shaft so that the label on a pulley of the crankshaft coincided with a label on a cogwheel of an intermediate shaft, as is shown in drawing. |
Thus the label on a cogwheel of a cam-shaft should coincide with the top side of a cover of a head of the block, as is shown in fig. The provision of a label on a camshaft cogwheel at position of the piston of the first cylinder in VMT. Both valves of the first cylinder, considering from a belt of a drive of a cam-shaft, are closed and cams of a cam-shaft are directed up. To remove a crankshaft pulley. |
10. To weaken an inhaling of a nut 16 and to turn a key a natyazhitel 15 counter-clockwise, to weaken a belt 9 tension. |
11. To remove a belt 9 from cogwheels distributive, cranked 13 and intermediate 11 shaft and from a pulley of a natyazhitel 15. |
12. To unscrew a nut 16 and to remove a natyazhitel 15. |
13. To unscrew a bolt 12 and to remove a cogwheel 11 from an intermediate shaft, to take out a shponka. |
14. To unscrew a bolt 14 and to remove a cogwheel 13 from a cranked shaft, to take out a shponka. |
15. To unscrew a bolt and to remove a cogwheel from an intermediate shaft, to take out a shponka. |
16. To unscrew bolts and to remove a back cover of the 10th drive of a cam-shaft. |
Adjustment and check of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft
1–natyazhitel of a belt of a drive of a camshaft;
2, 3 – wrenches;
4–cam-shaft cogwheel;
5–belt of a drive of a cam-shaft;
6–cogwheel of an intermediate shaft |
1. To establish a back cover 10 (see fig. Details of a drive of a camshaft) a drive of a camshaft and to tighten bolts of its fastening. |
2. To insert a shponka into a groove on cranked to a shaft, to establish a cogwheel 13. To put on a bolt carving the 14th glue for carving connections of "D6", to wrap a bolt with a washer and to tighten the moment of 200 N · m (20,0 kgfs · м) (on release cars since March, 1988 the bolt with a dvenadtsatigranny head, the moment of an inhaling of 90 N · м). is established |
3. To insert a shponka into a groove on distributive to a shaft, to establish a cogwheel, to wrap a bolt with a washer and to tighten the moment of 80 N · m (8,0 kgfs · м). The label on a cogwheel should coincide with the top plane of a cover of a head of the block (see fig. The provision of a label on a camshaft cogwheel at position of the piston of the first cylinder in VMT). If it is necessary to turn a cam-shaft, at first turn the crankshaft approximately on 90 ° so that any piston did not stand in VMT. |
4. To insert a shponka into a groove on intermediate to a shaft, to establish a cogwheel 11, to wrap a bolt 12 with a washer and to tighten the moment of 80 N · m (8,0 kgfs · м). |
5. To establish a natyazhitel 15, to turn, without tightening a nut 16. |
6. Temporarily to establish a pulley 4 crankshafts on a cogwheel 13. The label on a pulley 4 should coincide with a label on a cogwheel 11. |
7. To put on a belt 9 cogwheels of a cam-shaft, the crankshaft and an intermediate shaft and on a pulley of a natyazhitel. To check, that labels VMT did not move a little. |
8. To pull a belt 9. For this purpose to turn a key 3 (see fig. Adjustment and check of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft) a natyazhitel 1 clockwise for a preliminary tension of a belt. To check, that labels of VMT did not move a little. To turn a natyazhitel 1 further clockwise, having pulled a belt 5 so that it could be developed no more than on 90 °, having undertaken it two fingers in the middle between distributive and intermediate in bulk. Holding in this situation a natyazhitel 1 key 3, to tighten a nut of fastening of a natyazhitel a key 2. To turn a cranked shaft on two turns and to check, whether VMT labels coincide. To remove a pulley 4 (see fig. Details of a drive of a camshaft). |
9. To establish the bottom cover of the 7th drive of a cam-shaft. |
10. To establish a pulley 4, to wrap bolts 3 and to tighten the moment of 20 N · m (2,0 kgfs · м). |
11. To establish a cover of the 8th drive of a cam-shaft. |
12. To establish a pulley of 1 water pump, to wrap bolts 2 and to tighten them the moment of 20 N · m (2,0 kgfs · м). |
13. To put on a belt 5. |
14. To pull a belt 5, wringing out the generator from the block of cylinders so that it caved in on 5 mm (for a new belt of 2 mm) if to press it a finger in the middle between generator and crankshaft pulleys. To tighten a bolt of fastening of the generator to an adjusting level, then a bolt of fastening of the generator to an arm. |