Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2 + 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines + 2. Engine + 3. Power supply system + 4. Coupling - 5. Transmission 5.1. Removal and installation - 5.2. Four-speed transmission 5.2.1. Technical characteristics - 5.2.2. Transmission dismantling Primary shaft Secondary shaft Synchronizer Differential 5.2.3. Transmission assembly 5.2.4. Gear shifting mechanism + 5.3. Five-speed transmission + 5.4. Type 020 four-speed transmission + 5.5. Type 020 five-speed transmission + 5.6. Automatic transmission + 6. Transmission + 7. Forward drive + 8. Steering + 9. Suspension brackets + 10. Brake system + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
1–bolt; 2–semi-axis flange; 3–epiploon; 4–plug; 5–spring; 6–washer; 7–rasporny ring; 8–adjusting washer; 9–roller conic bearing; 10-gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
11-shaft of a drive of a speedometer; 12-differential case; 13-a conducted gear wheel of the main transfer; 14-separator; 15-conic gear wheel; 16-round nut; 17-axis of satellites; 18-pin; 19-satellite |
Differential adjustment
1–transmission case; 2–adjusting washer; 3–roller conic bearing; 4–a conducted gear wheel of the main transfer; 5–roller conic bearing; 6–indicator;
7–plate; 8–coupling case; 9–differential case; 10-bolt; 11-laying |
1. To press internal rings of bearings 9 from both parties of the case of the 12th differential. |
2. To press a gear wheel of the 10th drive of a speedometer (without its destruction it is almost impossible to make it). |
3. To beat out two pins 18 on an axis of 17 satellites. |
4. To beat out an axis of 17 satellites. |
5. To beat out conic gear wheels 15 with round nuts 16. |
6. To take out a separator 14. |
7. Выпрессовать from a case of coupling and a transmission case external rings of bearings of differential. |
To remove a conducted gear wheel 13 from the case of the 12th differential, the special tool and a certain skill and consequently it is recommended to address in specialized workshops is necessary.
External and internal rings of bearings of differential are not interchangeable and should be replaced in a set.
1. To establish a separator 14 in the case of the 12th differential. |
2. To establish conic gear wheels of 15 semi-axes and holding them with a hand, to insert flanges of 2 semi-axes. |
3. To establish two satellites 19 in cuts of the case of the 12th differential against each other and, turning conic gear wheels of 15 semi-axes, to establish satellites 19 into place. |
4. To establish round nuts 16 and, holding them, to insert an axis of 17 satellites. |
5. To establish pins 18. |
6. Напрессовать new gear wheel of the 10th drive of a speedometer. |
7. Напрессовать internal rings of bearings 9, previously their heating to temperature 100 ° Page. |
8. To press in a case of coupling and a transmission case external rings of bearings of differential. |
Adjustment make after replacement at least one of the following details: transmission case, coupling case, case of differential or conic roller bearings of differential.
1. To establish in a case of 1 transmission an adjusting washer 2 (see fig. Differential adjustment) thickness of 1 mm and to press an external ring of the roller conic bearing 3. |
2. To press in a case of the 8th coupling an external ring of the roller conic bearing 5 without an adjusting washer. |
3. To establish the case of differential 9 in a case of 1 transmission. |
4. To connect a case of the 8th coupling and a case of 1 transmission, having established laying 11 if it was on a complete set. |
5. To twirl bolts 10 evenly on a diagonal the moment of 25 N · m. |
6. To establish the ground plate 7. |
7. To establish the indicator 6 with the extension piece on 30 mm on a universal support. |
8. To establish indicator 6 indications on a zero. |
9. To move the case of differential 9 several times up and down, having read thus instruments of the indicator and having defined an axial gap. |
Not to turn differential at measurement. Otherwise bearings will move a little and results of measurement will be incorrect.
10. To calculate thickness of an adjusting washer on a formula: S2 = Sn + 0,3 mm, where S2 – settlement thickness of a demanded adjusting washer, Sn – the measured size of an axial gap. |
11. To remove a case of the 8th coupling and выпрессовать an external ring of the bearing 5. |
12. To pick up washers of the demanded thickness proceeding from sets delivered in the spare part. The existing sizes: from 1,45 mm to 2,45 mm through each 0,05 mm. |
13. To establish the picked-up adjusting washers in a case of coupling and to press an external ring of the roller conic bearing. |
14. Further assembly see subsection 5.2.3. |