Volkswagen Golf ll, Jetta II

1983-1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2
+ 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Power supply system
+ 4. Coupling
+ 5. Transmission
+ 6. Transmission
- 7. Forward drive
   7.1. Technical characteristics
   7.2. Semi-axis
   - 7.3. Hinge of equal angular speeds (CV JOINT)
      7.3.1. External CV JOINT
      7.3.2. Internal CV JOINT
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

7.3.2. Internal CV JOINT


Installation of an antisplash cover on the GTi models

I–left semi-axis;

II – the right semi-axis;


2–antisplash cover;


4–internal hinge of equal angular speeds (CV JOINT)


1. To clamp a semi-axis in a vice with soft sponges.
2. To remove a lock ring 1 (see fig. A forward drive (models with the engine in volume of 1,6 and 1,8 l)).
3. To mark the provision of an end face of an antisplash cover 5 on a semi-axis paint.

It is forbidden to do marks by sharp subjects as the protective varnish coat is thus damaged.

4. To remove collars (models with engines in volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l).
5. To bring down a punch a cover from the hinge case.
6. To press the CV JOINT 2 (see fig. A forward drive (models with the engine in volume of 1,6 and 1,8 l)) from a semi-axis.
7. To remove a spring washer 3.
8. To remove an antisplash cover 5 with a cover 4.


1. To wash out the hinge in kerosene.
2. To mark the mutual provision of a holder 2, a separator 3 and cases of 1 hinge.
3. To turn a holder 2 with a separator 3 it is perpendicular in relation to the case 1 and to pull out them from the case.
4. To take out balls 4.
5. To turn a holder 3 it is perpendicular in relation to a separator 4, having inserted one of ledges of 1 holder into the extended window 2 separators 4, and to roll out a holder 3 of a separator.
6. To wash out carefully all details of the hinge in kerosene and to check from a condition, paying special attention to shlifovanny surfaces of paths and spherical surfaces of a separator and balls.

Existence of cracks, chips and traces of corrosion is inadmissible. At wear of working surfaces of racetracks more than with 0,1 mm and existence specified above defects to replace the hinge assembled.


1. To establish a holder 3 in a separator 4.
2. To insert balls into separator windows.
3. To insert into the case of 1 hinge a separator 3 with a holder 2 perpendicular to the case of 1 hinge and to turn a separator 3 with a holder 2 on 90 ° according to earlier made labels.
4. To check, whether the hinge freely rotates.


1. To note distance and = 17 mm (fig. Installation of an antisplash cover on the GTi models) on a semi-axis paint or a sticky tape (only for the GTi models).

On the GTi models accuracy of installation of an antisplash cover has special value.

2. To put on an antisplash cover 5 (see fig. A forward drive (models with the engine in volume of 1,6 and 1,8 l)) on a semi-axis with a cover 4.
3. To establish a spring washer the 3rd concave party to a hinge 2 holder.
4. Напрессовать the hinge 2 on a shlitsa of a semi-axis 6, putting effort to a hinge holder.
5. To establish a lock ring 1.
6. To enter into the hinge on 45 g of G-6,2 greasing from each party.
7. To put on the hinge 2 case a cover 4.
8. To establish an antisplash cover according to the labels made earlier on a semi-axis.
9. To establish collars (for models with engines in working volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l).
10. To establish a semi-axis (see subsection 7.2).