Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2 + 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines + 2. Engine + 3. Power supply system + 4. Coupling + 5. Transmission + 6. Transmission + 7. Forward drive + 8. Steering + 9. Suspension brackets + 10. Brake system + 11. Body - 12. Electric equipment 12.1. Block of safety locks and relay + 12.2. Generator + 12.3. Starter + 12.4. Forward headlight 12.5. Replacement of a lamp of the forward index of turn 12.6. Replacement of lamps of a back lamp 12.7. Replacement of a lamp of illumination of registration plate + 12.8. Windscreen screen wiper + 12.9. Screen wiper of a door of a back 12.10. Adjustment of a jet of washers of glasses 12.11. Combination of devices 12.12. Block of control lamps + 12.13. Ignition system - 12.14. Electric circuits 12.14.1. How to use electric circuits 12.14.2. Designations on electric circuits 12.14.3. Symbols of elements on electroschemes 12.14.4. Generator, accumulator, starter 12.14.5. Radiator and heater fan 12.14.6. Preheat system, valve of shutdown of supply of fuel 12.14.7. Ignition system 12.14.8. Power supply system, dashboard 12.14.9. Combination of devices 12.14.10. Control of brake liquid 12.14.11. Dashboard 12.14.12. Illumination of salon 12.14.13. Headlights, parking light 12.14.14. Switch of indexes of turns, alarm system 12.14.15. Indexes of turns 12.14.16. Light switch, stoplight 12.14.17. Heating of back glass, sound signal 12.14.18. Fog lights 12.14.19. Screen wiper and stekloomyvatel 12.14.20. Screen wiper and stekloomyvatel of back glass (only VW Golf) 12.14.21. Mono-Jetronic control unit, injection device 12.14.22. Ignition system, Digifant control unit 12.14.23. System of injection of Digifant fuel
If it is necessary to find malfunction in electric equipment or to establish additional power consumers, to make it without the aid of electroschemes very difficultly. Electric circuits show current course, i.e. connections of electrochains among themselves.
As "mass" of the car is its body, the negative wire of the accumulator is connected to a body. The majority of consumers of the electric power are connected to "weight" a wire of brown color. In separate chains switches, the relay, safety locks, measuring devices, electric motors or other electrodevices and elements can take place. In order that these elements were correctly connected, contacts are supplied with the corresponding designations.
For simplification of search of the necessary wires on electroschemes certain those paths are placed vertically the friend about the friend and numbered.
Vertical lines usually reach the painted-over field. This field symbolizes the block of the relay and safety locks and, therefore, a positive pole of connection of electric chains. On a payment of the relay there is also internal connection with "weight" (plug "31"). Thin lines in this field specify, which chains and how are switched by means of the corresponding relays. Below that path reaches the horizontal line which designates connection with "weight". Connection with "weight" is usually made directly through a body, however also can be formed by means of a wire going from a point, located on a body.
If the wire interrupts a square with figure, it designates that path on which this chain on other schemes proceeds.
When using electric circuits it is recommended at first in the list (nearby or under the scheme) to find the necessary element (for example, the fan switch). To the left of the name of an element number of that path corresponding to it which repeats on the scheme and below on the horizontal line is specified.
For simplification of reading electroschemes it is necessary to study alphabetic and graphic references of elements.
For exact identification of an element to its alphabetic reference figures are added.
In designation internal connections are represented. They show, how relays and other elements are connected among themselves.
The figure in a black square designates a relay place on a payment of the block of the relay and safety locks.
For example, if on the scheme designation «17/87» is given, «17» designates contact number on a relay payment, and «87» – contact number on the relay or the control unit.
Designations of contacts correspond to norms 01М.
On the plug "15" a food via the ignition lock moves. On these chains the electric current flows only at the included ignition.
The current also passes through the plug "X" only at the included ignition, however it ceases to flow at the moment of starter inclusion. It provides use of all capacity of the accumulator at the moment of engine start. In this chain there are all main consumers of the electric power. Threads of a driving beam of a lamp of a headlight also запитываются from this plug. Thus, at the included driving beam and the switched-off ignition there is an automatic switching on lay fires.
The plug "30" constantly is energized from the accumulator.
The plug "31" is connected to "weight". Wires of "weight" of usually brown color. On electric circuits near separate wires there are figures, for example 1,5. The figure designates section of a wire in mm2. As it happens that wires of the same color are used in different chains, it is recommended to check combinations of wires in the corresponding places of connections.
Wires which incorporate among themselves to the help one - or multicontact sockets, have, except an alphabetic reference of demountable connection ("T"), additional designation.
Example: «Т2р» designates the two-contact socket, "T32/27" – the 27th contact of the 32-contact socket.
All consumers of the electric power and switches are represented on electric circuits in the switched-off situation. |