Volkswagen Golf ll, Jetta II

1983-1992 of release

Repair and car operation

Volkswagen Golf 2 / Jett 2
+ 1.1. Short technical characteristics of diesel engines
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Power supply system
+ 4. Coupling
+ 5. Transmission
+ 6. Transmission
+ 7. Forward drive
+ 8. Steering
+ 9. Suspension brackets
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Body
- 12. Electric equipment
   12.1. Block of safety locks and relay
   + 12.2. Generator
   + 12.3. Starter
   + 12.4. Forward headlight
   12.5. Replacement of a lamp of the forward index of turn
   12.6. Replacement of lamps of a back lamp
   12.7. Replacement of a lamp of illumination of registration plate
   + 12.8. Windscreen screen wiper
   + 12.9. Screen wiper of a door of a back
   12.10. Adjustment of a jet of washers of glasses
   12.11. Combination of devices
   12.12. Block of control lamps
   - 12.13. Ignition system
      - 12.13.1. Classical system of ignition Removal and installation of the distributor of ignition Check of contacts of the breaker Replacement of contacts of the breaker Check and adjustment of a corner of the closed condition of contacts Gap adjustment between contacts Adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition Survey of a cover of the distributor Check of a centrifugal regulator of the distributor of ignition Check of the vacuum proof-reader of the distributor of ignition Check of the coil of ignition Check of spark plugs
      + 12.13.2. Transistor system of ignition
   + 12.14. Electric circuits Replacement of contacts of the breaker


In use contacts of the breaker burn down, and they need to be changed in the following order:

1. To disconnect a wire from the "minus" plug of the storage battery.
2. To disconnect wires of a high voltage from a distributor cover.
3. To remove the screen 21 (see fig. The ignition distributor) to unfasten springs 11 and to uncover 1.
4. To remove a begunok 3 and the antidust screen 4.
5. To unscrew bolts 5 and to uncover 6.
6. To disconnect a wire of contacts of the breaker.
7. To turn out screws of fastening of motionless contact 8 and to take out contacts 7 and 8.
8. To come into new contacts.
9. To establish into place removed details.
10. To adjust a corner of the closed condition of contacts and a corner of an advancing of ignition.